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Testimonials from Parents and Students
Jia Bao's Mum's Logo
Jia Bao's Mum
-Online Music Theory Lesson
My son began his piano theory course with Teacher Ma from The Piano Solution. Teacher Ma is not only highly experienced but also incredibly patient and professional. Whenever my son struggles with understanding concepts or makes mistakes in his homework, she is always there to offer guidance, patiently encouraging him along the way. Her supportive approach has made him excited for every lesson and keeps him motivated. Thanks to her effective teaching strategies, he grasps most of the theory concepts easily and recently achieved a Distinction in his Grade 5 ABRSM theory exam. We are deeply grateful for Teacher Ma's support and dedication. Thank you!
Xian Yang‘s Mum's Logo
Xian Yang‘s Mum
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
As I always feel that my son could have more solid foundation and so I got Teacher Jeremy to teach him after he passed his ABRSM Grade 2 exam. At first, Xian Yang is very resistance to have a new piano teacher, however after a few lessons he grew quite fond of Teacher Jeremy! He finds that Teacher Jeremy is nice, gentle, professional and encouraging. The lessons are tailored to suit Xian Yang's learning style and pace and he is willing to practice with separate hands now! He will also provide guidance for the songs that Xian Yang choose to learn. Under the guidance of Teacher Jeremy, I believe Xian Yang can go well and further in his piano path~
 Zoe Lim Yu Tong's Mum's Logo
Zoe Lim Yu Tong's Mum
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
Mindy 老师是一位非常有耐心,有爱心又专业的老师。我的女儿比较顽皮,但是她都能很有耐心的去教导她,一段时间女儿开始讨厌钢琴,但是在老师的帮助下,突然间对钢琴产生了浓厚的兴趣,主动练 琴,并且参加学校组织的表演活动,她自己非常开心。 老师还经常送我女儿小礼物,调动她的积极性。我们都很感恩遇到这么好的老师,希望女儿在您的教导下能够对钢琴,对音乐越来越喜欢,越来越享受音乐带来的快乐。万分感谢钢琴学堂以及Mindy老师!
Jayden's Mum's Logo
Jayden's Mum
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
Elsa's Mum 's Logo
Elsa's Mum
-ABRSM Graded Violin Course
Apple 老师的课堂气氛非常轻松,并把每一个细节都讲解得非常清楚。了解孩子的个性能力,针对性的教学,灵活的应对孩子学习过程中出现的问题。孩子每次都在开心愉快的过程中学习中进步,做为家长非常感谢老师的辛苦付出!
婷婷's Mum's Logo
婷婷's Mum
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
Valerie's Mum 's Logo
Valerie's Mum
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
Ms Angeline is a very gentle and caring piano teacher. Firstly, she is a very friendly teacher who is good at interacting with young kids, and builds good relationships through patience. Secondly, she also updates parents about Valerie’s progress frequently. Hence, Valerie is able to improve and practice on her weaker areas at home. All in all, Ms Angeline is an excellent teacher and through her patient and effective guidance, Valerie’s skills have improved. More importantly, she has developed a strong passion in playing piano and always looks forward to attending her lesson. Thanks Ms Angeline❤️
Leandro's Mum's Logo
Leandro's Mum
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
Felicia Tan Yi Ern's Logo
Felicia Tan Yi Ern
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
I've been taking piano lessons from teacher Ma Wei for the past one year, and I can honestly say that my experience has been incredible. She is an amazing piano teacher who truly cares about her students and goes above and beyond to help them excel. Teacher Ma Wei is not only a talented pianist herself, but she is also an excellent teacher. She is patient, kind and always willing to go the extra mile to help her students achieve their goals. Whether you're looking to develop your skills in classical, jazz or contemporary styles, she has the experience and knowledge to help you get there. One specific example that comes to mind is when I was struggling with a particularly difficult piece of music. Teacher Ma Wei took the time to break it down into smaller sections, and she worked with me to practice each section until I had it down pat. Thanks to her guidance and support, I was able to master that piece and perform it at my recital. Overall, I would highly recommend teacher Ma Wei to anyone looking for a fantastic piano teacher. She is knowledgeable, patient, and truly cares about her students' success. From Felicia Tan Yi Ern 11 years old
Diana & Teresa's Mom's Logo
Diana & Teresa's Mom
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
Cherry's Mom's Logo
Cherry's Mom
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
Bernice's Mom's Logo
Bernice's Mom
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
感谢Teacher Belle的耐心和细心,让女儿每周都很期待她的钢琴课。从之前的抗拒练琴到现在的自主练琴,进步真的很大。希望在Teacher Belle的帮助下,女儿能在音乐的世界里找到属于自己的快乐。
Hui Ru's Mom's Logo
Hui Ru's Mom
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
Teacher Belle教学很认真负责, 会想办法激励孩子平时多加练习。孩子很喜欢上她的课.希望孩子在Teacher Belle的教导下更加自觉练琴, 水平也步步提高。感谢 Teacher Belle。
Ayantika Sen's Mom's Logo
Ayantika Sen's Mom
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
My daughter (age 7) has been learning the piano from Teacher Ang for almost two years now. Mr Ang is not only an excellent teacher but is also an accomplished pianist/vocalist himself. With a combination of Classical compositions, technical drills and short fun pieces, he has helped my daughter to learn a variety of new pieces, develop her sight reading capabilities and improve her technique, while most importantly keeping it fun for her at all times. I would highly recommend Mr Ang as a teacher of music.
Eric's Mom's Logo
Eric's Mom
-ABRSM Graded Violin Course
我的孩子之前跟别的老师学了快一年的小提琴,天天折磨我的耳朵,我以为孩子不适合学小提琴。 后来经过朋友介绍,跟程老师学琴,程老师非常有耐心的一点点改他的动作纠正细节,在时间有限但练琴效率高的情况下 短短三个月,我的孩子就被学校选进小学部乐团,孩子进步非常大,也找到了自信心,喜欢上了小提琴。 孩子和我都特别的喜欢程老师,喜欢她教孩子的不单是拉小提琴,而是做事的态度和方法。不会为了教而教,而是从培养孩子们的兴趣来引领,根据孩子的性格因材施教。不让孩子单靠时间来磨琴,而是教会孩子认真高效的练琴,真正做到理解引导行为。所以我非常庆幸能够遇上程老师,这让我明白了培养孩子做事情的兴趣,正确的引导是非常重要的。
Becky's Mom's Logo
Becky's Mom
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
Teacher Christine Natalie is highly experienced in piano teaching, she is passionate about music, and she brings this passion into her teaching, this naturally stimulate the learning interests. Her fun loving character also brings about positive vibes in our children. She is not just purely focus on exam pieces like some other teachers do. She often prepares wide selection of music pieces in order to broaden student’s exposures. At the same time, she is quite strict with fundamentals, this is to set the standards high from beginning. She constantly sets periodic targets for kids to achieve. And assess and modify the plan based on their progress. In overall, my two girls have benefited quite a lot after switching to Teacher Christine’s teaching in past one year. Esp for our younger one, as she has started early with Teacher Christine, she has laid a solid foundation in her piano learning journey, her progress is much faster than we expected. We all have enjoyed Teacher Christine’s teaching very much. She certainly is highly recommended for families have serious plan in children’s piano learning.
飞扬's Mom's Logo
飞扬's Mom
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
Christine Yap老师是一位温柔、很有耐心、且非常专业的好老师。她善于发现孩子的兴趣点,引导孩子学习钢琴,欣赏音乐艺术。在叶老师的指导下,孩子不管是乐理知识还是实际弹奏都有明显的进步。作为刚从国外来到新加坡的我们,我们很高兴、也很幸运遇到叶老师,谢谢叶老师的悉心教导和鼓励!
Cheryl's Mom's Logo
Cheryl's Mom
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
行一's Mom's Logo
行一's Mom
-ABRSM Graded Piano Course
Gladys's Mom's Logo
Gladys's Mom
-ABRSM Graded Violin Course
Although I just started my violin lessons with 马老师 only a few months, I realised that he is an awesome, understanding, and caring violin teacher. I greatly appreciate the time he takes to listen out for my mistakes in the way I play He even helped me find and master new techniques. I am so touched that he ran extra mile and time to accompany me to go around and buy my violin. He also has excellent skills, and he shares all of them with his students. I am so thankful to have him as my violin teacher because I feel like I have improved a lot in the past couple of months under his thoughtful guidance. 马老师 has made me a better violinist, and I am extremely grateful for that.
Welcome to The Piano Solution, your dedicated music education partner in Singapore. We are a top provider of comprehensive piano, violin, vocal and music theory lessons. Our professional and motivated teachers are dedicated to providing high-quality lessons that are tailored to individual learning styles. We ensure that students of all ages and skill levels can begin a musical journey that is properly tailored to their requirements and preferences.
Block 501, Jurong West St.51, #03-257, Singapore 640501.